Walk Away (Martha Davis) (c)2006 Clean Sheets Music (BMI) You and me we've heard the news Sad to say it's prob'ly true Time has left an awful stain That even tears can't wash away This must be my lucky day Cause you can't see me and I can't feel you I'm afraid of not being afraid today I'm afaid I might walk outside And stand there in the sunlight like a fool that has no fear And let the terror leave me like a tears And leave me drowning in hot water Where it's far too deep to swim And I'll be happy cause I'll watch it finally end Cause you can't see me and I can't feel you And you don't see me as I walk away I walk away Cause you can't see me and I can't feel you Where you don't see me as I walk away I walk away I walk away I walk away I walk away I walk away I walk away